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About the Chronos Templates

The list of time-set templates below can be used in your Chronos projects.

What are time-sets?

The time-sets are the integral component of the Chronos protocol. They integrate with the targeting material to establish the reference point in time a viewer would like to pin-point.

Student Resources

Use these premade time-set templates for your Chronos projects. Note: you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to view these files.

Large block linear year-set
Basic linear year-set
Variable large block linear year-set
Linear year-set w/variable year block
Linear month-set
Large block linear Month-set
28 day tabular day-set
30 day tabular day-set
31 day tabular day-set
24 hour tabular hour-set
24 hour Circular hour-set
60 minute tabular minute-set
60 second tabular second-set